



Recently, Mr. Wu Wei, the founder of IN.X​ was invited to be the judge of the​ 2023 MUSE Design Award. 

同时受邀的评审还有Ralph Christian Bremenkamp、Frederick Rickmann、Joon Kwon、Rituparna Simlai等知名建筑师、设计师、媒体人。


At the same time, the invited judges included well-known architects, designers, and media professionals such as Ralph Christian Bremenkamp、Frederick Rickmann、Joon Kwon and Rituparna Simlai.

MUSE Design Awards (缪斯设计奖)是MUSE Awards的一部分,MUSE Awards由国际奖项协会International Awards Associates(IAA)于2015年创立。IAA成立的初衷是为评选媒体设计制作与发行成果,设立全新的严格标准,以此来表彰并激发设计师们的创造力。

从根本上说,MUSE Design Awards (缪斯设计奖)是一个为设计师提供的国际竞赛,这群设计师通过工艺改变了范式,并以独创性和彻底的作品让他人惊叹不已,也因此重新定义了边界和范围 —— 就像一个缪斯。

The MUSE Design Awards is a part of the MUSE Awards Program, which was created by the International Awards Associate (IAA) in 2015. IAA’s inception was based on a mission to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution. IAA’s mission has largely shaped MUSE Design Awards' goals.

The MUSE Design Awards is an international competition for designers whose craftsmanship shift paradigms. Their ingenuity and thorough works leave others in awe, and in so doing redefine boundaries and scope – much like a muse.

MUSE Design Awards (缪斯设计奖)的评审团由在各自领域中备受尊敬且经验丰富的专业人士组成,评审团成员是从各个营销和广告公司以及来自世界各地的学科中精心挑选出来的,他们带来了行业知识和特定类别的技能来评估每个参赛作品。

The MUSE Design Awards Jury is exceptional in the depth of expertise it draws on from its extensive judging community, composed of highly respected and experienced professionals who have distinguished themselves in their field. Judges are handpicked from a diverse range of marketing and advertising companies as well as disciplines from around the world, bringing industry knowledge and category-specific skill sets to evaluate every entry.

